Railing is a barrier attached on the side of stair in order to prevent people from falling off side. A railing must be strong enough to hold or resist people from falling without breaking of rails.
It is also used as support while going up and down on stair, just like a handrail.
Types of Railings
There are different types of railings which are classified based on the type of Material used and Design.
Based on material
Materials like steel, aluminum, wood and wrought iron etc, are used to make different types of railings based on individual requirements.The followings are discussed below
Steel Railing

As we know steel is most popular for its high resistibility and durability and can be considered in various designs such as commercial staircase and industrial staircase designs.
To prevent rusting of steel stainless steel or galvanized steel are used. Though stainless steel can resist but in certain condition rust is formed to prevent Chromium, nickel, nitrogen and molybdenum are added to stainless steel to resist corrosion. While zinc is coated on Galvanized steel to prevent corrosive materials from damaging the steel.
Steel railing Applications
- Steel railing can be used in industrial, commercial and residential projects.
- Steel railing is most suitable or Industrial projects.
- While stainless steel railing can be used in commercial and residential project as they provide good appearance and contemporary look.
Advantages of Steel railing
- Steel railing are strong and durable.
- Stainless steel and galvanized steel requires minimal maintenance.
- It can be used for outdoor and indoor staircase as it can withstand weather changes.
- stainless steel performance can be improved by using liquid paints, powder coatings and primers.
Disadvantages of Steel Railing
- Installation process is difficult, requires special equipments and skilled persons.
- Steel is expensive when compared to other materials such as wood.
- Steel are subjected to buckle and weaken during extreme temperature.
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Aluminum Stair Railing

Aluminum is lightweight material due to its lower density when compared to other metals. Aluminum is very reflective and has similar appearance like sliver. Aluminum is naturally resistance to corrosion without any treatment.
Applications of Aluminum stair Railing
- Aluminum railings used for decks and outside entrance steps.
- These are also used for inside staircase, which gives a contemporary look.
Advantages of Aluminum stair Railing
- Aluminum is lighter than steel, so it can be suitable projects.
- These are most suitable for commercial and residential.
- Good appearance has various design options.
- Aluminum railings can be made custom color by powder coating.
- Aluminum railings require minimal maintenance and can withstand harsh environment.
Disadvantages of Aluminum stair Railing
- Aluminum railings is expensive when compared to steel railings.
- Aluminum railings are likely to dent and get scratch easily than steel.
Wood Stair Railing

Wood is a traditional and most used material to attain a classic look.While there are many woods available in the market but some popular woods like red oak which can be easily stain, sand and finish and white oak is a hard and more resistance to water.
Some other popular woods like Ash, Mahogany, cypress, cherry can be used for railing.
Wood Stair Railing Application
- Wood stair railings are mainly used in traditional homes or any other places.
- To attain a contemporary look wood can be used with other materials to construct a wood stair railing.
- Wood railings can be used both on indoors and outdoors like on deck at entrance of house or buildings.
Advantages of Wood Stair Railing
- Wood is affordable and can be installed easily.
- Maintenance and cleaning o wood railings are easy when compared to other.
- Wood railings gives a natural appearance and they can be transformed and stained according to one’s design requriment.
Disadvantages of Wood Stair Railing
- Only use of wood make an outdated appearance, it must be combined with other materials like glass,metal etc for a good appearance.
- The wood must be treated well so it can sustain for long time.
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Glass Stair Railing

Glass stair railing gives a modern look for a house or a building, But many people think it is not safe to use but glass comes in different types which are tougher with minimal chance of breaking.
Glass comes in different types like clear, semi transparent, etched, frosted and tinted.
Applications of Glass Stair Railing
- Glass stair railing are commonly used in modern commercial and residential buildings.
- Glass stair railings can be combined with stainless steel or aluminum to attain architecture look.
Advantages of Glass stair Railings
- Glass railings can act as wind barrier when placed outside.
- They provide safety barrier without obstructing the view.
- They are easy to clean.
- They let in natural light, and make room more spacious.
Disadvantages of Glass Stair Railings
- Installation process requires Skilled person as glass are heavy and can crack easily.
- Chances of birds,animals and people bumping to transparent glass are more.
- Glass railing are easy to clean, but cleaning must be done regularly as dirt and fingerprint can show quickly.
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