What is composting | Methods of Composting

methods of composting

What is Composting ? Composting is a process of biological decomposition of organic constituents of wastes under controlled conditions to a state sufficiently stable for nuisance free storage and utilization. There are mainly 2 Methods of composting in India which is explained below. Composting can also be defined as the process of transformation of organic … Read more

8 Different types of Moulding Sand

types of moulding sand

Different types of Moulding Sand: The below are the types of Moulding sand, classified according to their use: Backing sand Green sand Dry sand Core sand Loam sand Facing sand Parting sand System sand 1 Backing sand Backing sand is a type of moulding sand which is also called as floor sand is used to … Read more

Difference Between CPVC vs UPVC

Difference between CPVC vs UPVC

What is CPVC? CPVC full form stands for Chlorinated polyvinyl Chloride which is manufactured by chlorination of PVC polymer. When PVC is chlorinated, it develops some unique properties such as flexibility and to sustain high temperatures. CPVC are resistant to many acids, bases, alcohol etc. These are generally used to carry high temperature liquids. What … Read more

Three Different Types of Wells

Dug well

Types of Wells There are 3 different types of wells Dug Wells Driven Wells Drilled Wells   Dug Wells: Dug wells are usually excavated manually by hand and even today this method is widely adopted. A typical dug well is usually an irregular hole in the ground that intersects the water table. These wells are … Read more

Top 25 Civil engineering interview questions

Civil engineering interview question

Top 25 Fresher Civil engineering interview question asked in Top 10 construction companies in India 1. what is the recommended slump value for column? Ans: 75to 125mm 2. What is void ratio? Ans: It is the ratio of volume of voids to the volume of solids. 3. what is the standard length of a single … Read more

Brickwork Calculation Formula

Brick wall

How to calculate Number of bricks, cement and Sand for brickwork? Any construction works requires a pre estimation of the quantities of the materials to be used, which is necessary to predict the cost and availability of materials. So, With brickwork calculation formula we will estimate  how much quantity of the Bricks, Cement and Sand … Read more

Folded plates | Types of Folded Structure | Advantages & Disadvantages

Folded plates structure

Folded plates Folded plates are assemblies of flat plates which are rigidly connected together along their edges in such a way that the structural system is capable of carrying loads without the need for any additional supporting beams along the mutual edges. Did you Know? Engineer Eudene Freyssinet was the first person who performed the … Read more

Remote sensing | Components of remote sensing

Components of remote sensing

Remote sensing Remote sensing is defined as “The art, science, and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment, through the process of recording, measuring and interpreting imagery and digital representations of energy patterns derived from non-contact sensor systems”. According to India’s National Remote Sensing Agency- “Remote Sensing is the technique of … Read more